How to Download Spotify on Mac

Spotify is the most popular music streaming service in the world, but if you look for it in the Mac App Store, you’ll find it isn’t available.

So what are your options if you’re a music-loving Mac owner? In this article, we’ll show you how to download Spotify for Mac and how to get the most out of it.

Thinking of making your own music? Check out our guide to the best MacBook for music production.

Before we begin

When you install Spotify or other apps from outside of the App Store, you have to install their updates separately. Thankfully, it’s easy with MacKeeper’s Update Tracker:

  1. Open Update Tracker from the MacKeeper sidebar
  2. Click Scan for updates
  3. Select anything you want to update, and click Update.

That’s just one of many great perks available to you in MacKeeper’s app. Try it out today to see what else it can do for you.

How to get Spotify on Mac

As long as you get the app from the Spotify website and nowhere else, it’s easy and safe to install Spotify on Mac desktop or laptop systems.

However, the process varies, depending on the macOS version you have. Older versions like Yosemite, El Capitan, High Sierra, and Yosemite don’t behave the same as newer ones like Ventura, which have extra security features.

Here’s how to add Spotify to a MacBook Air or other Mac running Ventura:

  1. Visit in your web browser and click Download
  2. On the next page, click Download
  3. Select Allow
  4. Find the Spotify installer in your Downloads folder. Right-click the installer and select Open
  5. Click Open
  6. The Spotify setup will now run.
The Spotify website. At the top of the page, the word
Step 1. Go to and click Download
The Spotify download page on the Spotify website. Click the
Step 2. Click Download to get the setup file
A pop-up window from Safari on macOS, asking if the Spotify site can download a file. Click
Step 3. Click Allow to get the setup file
The Spotify installer file in a macOS Finder window. Right-click it to bring up the context menu, then select
Step 4. Right-click the Spotify installer and select Open
A macOS system dialog, asking if the user wants to install Spotify, an app that isn't from the App Store. Click
Step 5.  Click Open
The Spotify installer running on macOS, with a blue progress bar, showing how much is left to install. Wait for this to finish.
Step 6. Wait for the Spotify installer to finish

How to easily access Spotify on Mac

Once Spotify is installed, there are a few ways to launch it on your M1 or Intel Mac:

  • Press Cmd + Spacebar and type in “Spotify”
  • In a Finder window, select Applications, then find Spotify in the list
  • Drag the Spotify app from Applications to your dock or desktop to create a shortcut.

If you find Spotify won’t open on Mac, check out our guide to fixing it.

Tips for using Spotify on Mac

You’ve got Spotify installed on your Mac with its stunning Retina display, but now what? Our experts have a few handy tips for you—read on.

Download songs on the Spotify Mac app

If you have a Spotify Premium account, you can download albums, playlists, and podcasts, so you can listen to them offline.

  1. In Spotify, select an album, playlist, or podcast, and click the download button
  2. The songs will now download, and you’ll see a green arrow icon next to them
  3. To remove downloads, click the download button again and select Remove.
An album open in Spotify, with the download button highlighted. Click this, and Spotify will immediately start downloading all the songs.
Step 1. Click the download button
A close-up of a list of songs downloaded by Spotify. They all have a green icon with a down arrow in it, showing they've been downloaded.
Step 2. Wait for the songs to download
A pop-up window in Spotify asking the user to confirm that they want to delete downloads. Click the
Step 3. Click remove to delete downloaded songs

Prevent opening Spotify on Mac startup

If you find Spotify opens automatically when you start your computer, don’t fret. It’s easy to change this behavior.

  1. In Spotify, select Spotify > Settings from the menu bar
  2. Scroll down to Startup and window behavior and select No.
The Spotify menu bar in macOS. Spotify > Settings is selected. Click this to open Spotify's settings menu.
Step 1. Select Spotify > Settings from the menu
The Spotify settings menu. Scroll down, find
Step 2. Select No from the dropdown menu

Access the equalizer

Spotify has an equalizer built into it, so you can change the way your music sounds. Here’s how to get to it:

  1. Open Spotify > Settings from the menu bar. Scroll down to the Playback section, and choose a preset from the Presets dropdown menu
  2. Alternatively, click and drag any of the white dots to make your own EQ setting.
The Playback section of Spotify's settings. From here, you can select a preset for the equalizer and change the way music sounds.
Step 1. Select a preset from the Spotify settings
The equalizer in the Playback section of Spotify settings. The EQ is highlighted to show points that can be clicked and dragged around.
Step 2. Create your own equalizer setting

Adjust music quality

Spotify lets you adjust the quality of your music streams, so you can balance quality and data use.

  1. Go to Spotify > Settings from the menu bar
  2. Scroll down to Audio quality, and select a file quality level from the dropdown next to Streaming quality
  3. You can also change the quality of downloaded files using the dropdown menu next to Download.
The audio quality section of Spotify's settings. From here, you can select the streaming quality, which will also affect how much data you use.
Step 1. Change the streaming quality
The download quality options in Spotify's settings. Similar to streaming quality, changing this will also affect how much data the app uses.
Step 2. Change the download quality

Change the external speaker

When running Spotify on your Mac, you can use it to control and play music from your other devices running Spotify. As long as they’re turned on and logged into the same account, this will work.

  1. Open Spotify and play something
  2. Click the Connect to a device button
  3. Select a device. Spotify will start playing your music from there, but you can control it from your Mac.
Step 1. Click this icon to connect to a different device
Spotify showing a list of available devices, which you can select and play your music from. Select one, and it will automatically start playing.
Step 2. Choose the device from the list

Is there a Spotify app for Mac?

You can install Spotify for Mac, but it’s just not available through the App Store. The reason for this may be related to Apple’s approval processes and fees, which don’t apply to apps from outside the Mac App Store.

Hint from our experts:

To put Spotify on a MacBook Pro, iMac, or any other macOS or OS X device, you first need to visit the Spotify website.

Looking beyond Spotify

If you really don’t want to get apps from outside of the App Store, then you do have an alternative, and it’s built right into macOS. Apple Music is an excellent music streaming service with a growing library of tunes.

Whether you decide to use Spotify or not, though, make sure you keep it and your other apps up to date with MacKeeper’s Update Tracker.

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