Unable to Expand Zip File on Mac

Compressing files and folders is an effective way to save copies of your data without using too much space. However, this method can be frustrating if you encounter issues when trying to unzip or zip a file on your Mac.

In this article, we’ll explore various reasons why you might be unable to expand a Zip file on Mac and present several solutions, including updating macOS or redownloading the file.

Before we start:

At MacKeeper, we provide 24/7 customer support. Our team of trained technicians is available to assist you with a variety of issues related to your Apple devices, including any troubles with Zip files.

Here’s how to access MacKeeper’s Premium Services:

  1. Go to MacKeeper’s Premium Services website.
  2. Click on Pricing at the top of the page.
  3. Scroll down, click on Get My Plan, and follow the on-screen instructions.

Why you can’t open a zip file on your Mac

Our team of experts has compiled a list of the major causes of Error 79 Mac Unzip:

  1. Zip file may be corrupted
  2. Incomplete downloads
  3. There’s not enough space on your Mac
  4. Compression method that isn’t supported by macOS
  5. Permission for zip files
  6. Your version of macOS is out of date

1. Zip file may be corrupted

The primary reason you’re unable to open a zip file is often file corruption. But what does this mean? A corrupted file is one that’s damaged or contains missing or invalid data, making it unreadable. How it goes? It usually occurs when the hardware is physically damaged, or the software is used incorrectly (i.e. if you remove the storage device before properly closing the file).

2. Incomplete downloads

Another common reason for being unable to open a zip file is incomplete downloads. Even if the file appears in your Downloads folder, it may not have downloaded correctly. Incomplete downloads can occur due to a poor Internet connection, especially if it’s inconsistent, and during server errors. Interrupting the download by closing the window before it’s finished can also result in an incomplete file.

3. There’s not enough space on your Mac

Sometimes, you might not be able to open a zip file on your Mac due to insufficient disk space. Ironically, the very reason you created a zip file (to save space) could be what’s preventing you from accessing it. Fortunately, the solution is straightforward: you need to free up space on Mac.

A note from our team:

If you’re facing space issues, using a utility like MacKeeper’s Safe Cleanup is an effective approach. We’ve designed this tool to help you eliminate unnecessary files from your Mac. With a quick and simple scan, you can empty the Trash and remove junk files without impacting your valuable personal data.

To free up space from a Mac, MacKeepers’ Safe Cleanup helps with getting rid of Trash files, junk files and logs.

4. Compression method that isn’t supported by macOS

Another possibility for being unable to open a zip file is that your computer might not support the specific compression method used. macOS has a built-in tool for compressing and decompressing files, but it may not work for Unix-like formats like .bz2, .gz, .lz, .lz4, .xz, and .z. In this case, we suggest using external software that supports a broader range of options.

5. Permission for zip files

File permissions can also be an obstacle to unzip  a compressed file, often related to the file’s confidentiality. For instance, if you downloaded the document from a private source online, it may come with restricted permissions. Additionally, it might be a password-protected zip file. If so, enter the correct password to access it.

6. Your version of macOS is out of date

If you’ve ruled out these possibilities, you should consider the need for an operating system update. Many users tend to avoid this process, but software updates are essential as they allow Apple to address bugs and errors that might prevent you from using your computer normally, including opening a zip file. Updates also provide access to the latest features, which can also help resolve compatibility issues.

How to fix unable to expand zip files on Mac

It’s time we get right to the heart of the matter—resolve the issue of not being able to expand a zip file on a Mac by these means:

  1. Download zip file again
  2. Check file extension
  3. Free up enough storage space
  4. Check file access permission
  5. Use Terminal to unzip files
  6. Use decompression software
  7. Update macOS

1. Download zip file again

Often, issues with unzipping files are caused by errors during the download process. The solution can be as simple as re-downloading the compressed file. As an example, here’s how you can download a zip file again from your email:

  1. Go to your email inbox.
  2. Open the email with the file you want to download attached.
  3. Click on the Download button to download the file again.
  4. Check the Recent download history pop-up window to see when the download is done.
  5. Go to your Downloads folder and double-click on the zip file to expand it.
To download a zip file again, go to your email inbox and open the email with the file you want to download.
Step 1. Opening the email with the zip file you want to download
To fix a zip file that won’t open, click on the Download button to download it again.
Step 2. Downloading the zip file again
To solve issues with a zip file that won’t open, check the Recent download history list to see when the download is complete.
Step 3. Checking the Recent download history list to see when the download is finished
To expand a file document, go back to the Downloads folder and try to expand it again.
Step 4. Going to the Downloads folder and unzipping the file

2. Check file extension

You should also ensure that the zip file you’re trying to expand has the correct extension. While there are various file extensions, .zip is the most common. To check the extension, follow our instructions below:

  1. Go to the location where the zip file is stored.
  2. Check the string of characters at the end of the file name, which should be preceded by a full stop. Make sure it’s one of the following: .zip, .zipx, .z01, or .zx01.
  3. If not, change it to .zip.
  4. Try opening the zip file again.
To check the file extension, go to the location where the zip file is located and see if it ends with .zip.
Step 1. Locating the zip file you want to expand, then checking the extension
To fix problems with expanding a zip file, change the file extension to .zip.
Step 2. Changing the file extension to .zip
To expand a zip file, double click on the file with the new extension.
Step 3. Expanding the zip file with the new extension

3. Free up enough storage space

If you suspect that your problems are due to insufficient storage space, consider removing unnecessary files from your Mac. Here are some of our tips you might want to follow to free up storage space:

  1. Empty your Trash folder.
  2. Delete files in your Downloads folder.
  3. Uninstall apps you don’t need.
  4. Remove large files you no longer want.
  5. Transfer media files to iCloud.
  6. Clear browser cache.
  7. Use a third-party app to clean system junk.
To free up disk space, empty the Trash folder in your Mac.
Step 1. Emptying your Trash folder.
To solve problems with expanding a zip file due to space issues, remove files from the Downloads folder.
Step 2. Removing files from the Downloads folder
To free up space on your Mac, get rid of apps you no longer need on your computer.
Step 3. Deleting apps you no longer wish to keep
To free disk space on a Mac, remove large files you no longer need to use.
Step 4. Getting rid of large files you don’t need
To have free space on your Mac, move large files such as photos and videos to your iCloud account.
Step 5. Moving photos and videos to iCloud
To free up enough space on your Apple device, remove the cache from your browsers.
Step 6. Removing browser cache
To clear space on a Mac, use MacKeeper’s Safe Cleanup to get rid of unnecessary system files.
Step 7. Using MacKeeper’s Safe Cleanup to remove junk files

4. Check file access permission

Additionally, some files have restricted permissions to protect their contents. To determine if this is why you’re unable to unzip a file, check the access permissions as follows:

  1. Go to your Applications folder.
  2. Open the Utilities folder.
  3. Launch Terminal.
  4. Use the following command: chmod 755 [path/to/your/file.zip], except you should replace it with the actual path to the file you’re trying to expand.
  5. Press Enter.
To check file access permission, open the Utilities folder from Applications.
Step 1. Opening the Utilities folder from Applications
To fix issues with the zip file permissions, launch Terminal.
Step 2. Launching Terminal
To solve any issues related to the access permissions of your zip file, type the command and press Enter.
Step 3. Using the chmod 755 [path/to/your/file.zip] command and pressing Enter

5. Use Terminal to unzip files

Although Terminal may seem daunting to those who aren’t very tech-savvy, we consider it useful for resolving issues with unzipping files. Below, we provide a step-by-step guide on how to expand a zip file using Terminal:

  1. Go to your Applications folder.
  2. Open the Utilities folder.
  3. Launch Terminal.
  4. Drag and drop the zip file.
  5. Press Enter.
  6. If needed, use the cd command to expand the zip file.
To use Terminal to unzip files, open the Utilities folder from Applications.
Step 1. Opening the Utilities folder from Applications
To fix issues related to your zip file, launch Terminal.
Step 2. Launching Terminal
To unzip a file using Terminal, use the cd command and press Enter.
Step 3. Using the cd command to unzip the file

6. Use decompression software

Previously, we suggested using third-party software if the macOS built-in tool isn’t enough. There are many free options available, but here’s how to use StuffIt Expander to unzip files on a Mac:

  1. Install and launch StuffIt Expander on your Mac.
  2. Drag and drop the file (or files) you wish to unzip onto the app icon.
  3. Select the folder where you want to store the unzipped file.
To unzip a file with a decompression program, install and launch StuffIt Expander.
Step 1. Install and launch StuffIt Expander on your Mac
To use a third-party app to unzip a file, drag and drop the zip document onto the StuffIt Expander app icon.
Step 2. Dragging and dropping the file onto the app icon
To use StuffIt Expander to unzip a file, choose a folder where to store the unzipped document.
Step 3. Selecting the folder where to store the unzipped file

7. Update macOS

As a last resort, we suggest updating your Mac’s operating system to resolve various issues, including those related to compressed files. Here’s how to easily perform a macOS update:

  1. Open System Settings on your Mac.
  2. Scroll down and click General from the left sidebar.
  3. Click Software Update.
  4. Wait until any available updates are found.
  5. Click the Upgrade Now button to update your macOS.
To update macOS, open System Settings, click on General, then select Software Update.
Step 1. Selecting General, then clicking on Software Update
To update your Mac to the latest macOS, wait until any updates are found.
Step 2. Waiting until any available updates are found
To update to the latest macOS version, click the Upgrade Now button and follow the on-screen instructions.
Step 3. Clicking the Upgrade Now button

Unable to extract zip file on Mac? This is the ultimate solution

Not being able to open a zip file can be very frustrating, especially when it contains important information. Before giving up on retrieving your data, consider the solutions we’ve provided above: check the file’s extension and permissions, download the file again, use a third-party decompression tool, make sure your macOS is up to date, and more.

If none of these options work, we recommend you consult professionals. By choosing MacKeeper’s Premium Services, you’ll have access to a 24/7 technical support team that can assist you with unzipping documents and solving any other computer-related issues that may arise.

Here’s our step-by-step guide on how to use MacKeeper’s Premium Services:

  1. Visit MacKeeper’s Premium Services website.
  2. Click on the Pricing tab at the top of the page. Scroll down and choose the plan that works for you.
  3. Hit the Get My Plan button and enter your personal and bank details.
  4. Return to the main page and click Contact.
  5. Fill out the Contact MacKeeper’s Premium Services form with your name and your mail. You’ll also need to explain the problem you’re encountering in detail.
  6. Click the Send button.
To benefit from MacKepeer’s Premium Services, click on Pricing at the top of the page.
Step 1. Clicking Pricing at the top of MacKeeper’s Premium Services page
To use MacKeeper’s Premium Services, choose a plan and hit Get My Plan.
Step 2. Selecting a plan
To take advantage from MacKeeper’s Premium Services, click on Contact at the top of the page.
Step 3. Clicking Contact at the top of MacKeeper’s Premium Services page
To get in touch with MacKeeper’s Premium Services, fill out the form and click Send.
Step 4. Filling out the contact form

Also, if you already use a MacKeeper app, you can benefit from using our Premium Services within our app.

Alternatively, you can fix your Mac related issues within the MacKeeper app. Contact our support by opening the app, choosing Premium Services on the left, and clicking on Chat Now on the right.
MacKeeper > Premium Services > Chat Now

That’s way more convenient! Plus, you’ll get access to the other useful features of MacKeeper and optimize your Mac experience to the unseen quality. Try it out today.

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