Mac Tutorials

How to Uninstall Docker on Mac

Follow the steps below to remove Docker from your Mac:

  1. Open Docker, find the Troubleshoot icon in the top-right corner of the window, and click on it.
  2. Select Uninstall and click it again when prompted.

You’ve found another developer app to use and want to get rid of Docker on your Mac because you no longer need it. But as a developer, you probably know firsthand that deleting an app like Docker isn’t always as simple as dragging it to the Trash can. But worry not, we’ll show you solutions for removing Docker from your Mac. Let’s get started.


Before we start


Many people don’t take the time to uninstall unused apps on their devices, which clutters their computers. Sending an app like Docker to the Trash isn’t the most efficient method. We recommend using MacKeeper’s Smart Uninstaller to delete Docker the right way. Our easy-to-use tool will safely delete unnecessary with all the lleftover files and free up more space on your Mac.


Here’s how to do it in three easy steps:

  1. Download MacKeeper on your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air.
  2. Select Smart Uninstaller in the sidebar and click Start Scan.
  3. MacKeeper will find apps to remove. Wait for the scan to finish, click the Applications tab, and ensure Docker is selected—including all its leftover files.
  4. Once that’s done, click Remove selected.

What is Docker PaaS?

Docker is a package software program released in 2013. It's a platform as a service (PaaS) used by developers to build, test, and deploy applications quickly and in packages (that are known as containers). The software is hosted by Docker Engine.


Developers may need to delete and reinstall Docker when they encounter issues or don't need the app on their computer anymore. However, deleting it isn’t as simple as deleting other Mac apps, given the background processes that come with using it.

How to remove Docker from a Mac using Finder

The quickest way to delete Docker is to do it through Finder:

  1. Select Finder, locate the Docker application, and drag it to the Trash can.
  2. Open Trash and click the Empty button to ensure Docker is really deleted.
After deleting the Docker application in Finder, open the Trash on your Mac and click the Empty button to clear it. This is one way to delete Docker from your Mac.
Emptying the Trash on Mac

How to delete Docker from macOS with Terminal

Copy and paste the command: [path to Docker app]/Contents/MacOS/uninstall and hit Enter.


Hint from our team: All you need to delete Docker from your Mac is to enter the command, replacing the information in the square brackets with the full file path. You may have to enter your administrator’s credentials as well.

To delete Docker from Mac using Terminal, enter the command [path to Docker app]/Contents/MacOS/uninstall in Terminal and press Enter. You may be asked to enter your administrator's credentials.
Entering Terminal command to delete Docker

If that doesn’t work, use the commands below instead. Hit the Return key after each one:

  • sudo rm -rf ~/.docker
  • sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker
  • sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Group\ Containers/
  • sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.docker.docker
  • sudo rm -rf /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.docker.vmnetd
  • sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.docker.vmnetd.plist
  • sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/docker
  • sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Docker\ Desktop
  • sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/com.docker.docker.plist
  • sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/com.electron.docker-frontend.savedState
  • sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Group\ Containers/
  • sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/Docker\ Desktop
  • sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/com.electron.docker-frontend.plist
  • sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Cookies/com.docker.docker.binarycookies

When you’re unable to delete the app, Mac’s Terminal can be used to install apps with Homebrew on OS X El Capitan and other Mac operating systems. However, using it incorrectly can cause you to lose important files. To do it right, learn how to use Terminal command line on a Mac and reduce the errors.

macOS: Uninstall Docker from the app’s menu

You can easily uninstall Docker from the app’s menu:

  1. In the Docker dashboard, click the Troubleshoot icon (next to the Settings icon) in the top-right corner.
  2. Click Uninstall > Uninstall again.
To delete Docker from within the app, open Docker, click the Troubleshoot icon, and scroll down and click the Uninstall button.
Deleting Docker in the app

Deleting the Docker app from the app’s dashboard is one of the simplest ways to uninstall it. In fact, this can be done in three clicks. However, it might not remove all the files that come with the app. Remember, the quickest solutions don’t always guarantee the best results, so additional steps may be needed to complete the process of deleting Docker from your Apple device.

How to clear Docker cache on Mac

Now that Docker is deleted, clear its cache to avoid being stuck with unnecessary files:

  1. Open the MacKeeper app and select Safe Cleanup in the sidebar
  2. Click Start Scan and hit the Clean Junk Files button once the scan is done. This should remove all cache and junk files on your Mac, including those belonging to Docker.
To clear Docker cache on Mac, open MacKeeper and select Safe Cleanup in the sidebar. Click the Start Scan button and wait for the scan to finish.
Step 1. Open MacKeeper > Safe Cleanup
Hit the Clean Junk Files button after scanning your Mac using MacKeeper's Safe Cleanup tool. This should clear Docker cache on your Mac.
Step 2. Remove Docker cache now

Tip from the MacKeeper’s experts: 


Many factors can cause your Mac to slow down, like loading it with unnecessary files and not deleting apps and programs fully. If you’re decluttering your Mac, ensure you clear cache files to clean the disk effectively. Additionally, as with clearing cache on any other app, deleting Docker cache is one way to optimize your Mac’s performance.

Remove the Docker App safely from your Mac

Deleting apps from your Mac is a simple task that anyone can do. However, although convenient, deleting apps manually isn’t the most reliable method because it leaves hidden files behind. Some people don’t know how to look for them and delete them too.


When deleting apps, especially an app like Docker from your Mac, ensure you do a thorough job. If not, the leftover files may end up clogging your Mac. To leave your Mac completely clean, we suggest you use MacKeeper’s Smart Uninstaller.


Are you removing a bunch of apps from your Mac to declutter it? Check our helpful guides to help you delete apps from your Mac:

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